
Monday, March 22, 2010

22nd March 2010...
my university had change it's place...
the new place is far from my place...
so everyday kene la naik taxi...
tp kalo nk naik TRAM pon bleh tp mls nk jln dan lambat tp sgt murah...
the new lecture hall it's not the same with the old place...
where people at the back cant see the lecturer and the slide clearly...
yang ak x puas hati pompuan sgt x bertimbang rase la...
bleh plak main cop cop tempat...
bagi ak siape cepat die dapat la...
ni bleh plak cop2..
die sorg nk cop sampai sepuluh tempat...
ntah pape la...
tak matang langsung...
terase bengang plak...
tp x pe pompuan kan kaum yg lemah so x pe la...
2 jek kot...
k bye...

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